Useful Resources on the Asylum Procedure
Asylum in Germany: The Interview (Information video by the Flüchtlingsrat Köln, available in many languages, 2016)
Fact sheet on the Asylum Interview (The most important information in several languages, by Informationsverbund Asyl, 2015)
Information by the German Bar Association on the Asylum Procedure for Asylum Seekers (Questions and Answers in Arabic, English and German – last updated: October 2015)
Advice tools (on different topics, in German, put together by Informationsverbund Asyl)
Tools and Summaries for Advice Work (on different topics, often last updated in August 2016, by GGUA Flüchtlingshilfe e.V.)
First Aid against Dublin Deportations (Leaflet by Pro Asyl – last updated: January 2015)
Useful Links and Information for Refugees (on legal and other topics, put together by Pro Asyl) European Country of Origin Information Network (European Database on country of origin infornation, run by NGOs, government agencies and UNHCR)
Last update of this page: September 2016. Is there relevant or new information missing on this page? Contact us: