Current Information About RLC Counseling
We only offer legal counseling on matters relating to German/EU asylum and humanitarian immigration law. We, unfortunately, do not have expertise in legal matters from other countries.
Rahlstedt-Counseling: Mondays from 3:00-5:00 pm.
At the Bürgerhaus Maiendorf, Saseler Straße 21, 22145 Hamburg. This is an open consultation for which you do not need an appointment however, we recommend you arrive early to avoid long wait times.
Campus-Counseling: Tuesdays from 2 – 4 pm at the Von-Melle-Park 9. Please make an appointment in advance via this e-mail address: rlc-beratung[at]
Altona-Counseling: Wednesdays from 3 – 6 pm.
At the “Embassy of Hope” at the Thalia in der Gaußstraße (Gaußstraße 190, 22765 Hamburg). This is an open consultation for which you do not need an appointment however, we recommend you arrive early to avoid long wait times.
St. Georg-Counseling: Thursdays, 3 – 5 pm.
At the Caritas premises (Danziger Str. 66, 20099 Hamburg). Please make an appointment in advance via this e-mail address: rlc-beratung[at]
Please also tell us in your email if a translator is needed during the counseling.
We will send you an appointment and the link for counseling afterwards. Please note that in order to plan the meeting times, it is necessary that you send us an email at least a day in advance until 8pm. Please also tell us in your email if a translator is needed during the online counseling.
We are looking forward to seeing you and wish you all the best!
The Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg
Important Information for your Consultation:
Please bring any documentation relevant to your asylum procedure (letters from the BAMF, a lawyer, the reception centre, the Ausländerbehörde, health certificates…).
Depending on the composition of our team, we can offer legal advice in different languages: German, Farsi, Arabi, Turkish, Russian, English, French and Spanish.
The Refugee Law Clinic Hamburg does not provide legal advice via email, Facebook or telephone. Please come to our walk-in hours listed above to talk about your case. No appointment is necessary.
Please note our terms and conditions below!
Important!Please note that we can not provide legal consultation via e-mail or telephone.